Are you overwhelmed with new responsibilities as a new mom?

Do you feel that your time is cut into small pieces by kids’ schedule that you don’t have time for your own things or work?

Are you struggling between taking care of children and making money as a single parent?

Do you want to get back to the job market but not sure what skillset you have or what kind of job you can get after being stay-at-home mom for too long? 

You are not alone

I’m a career coach, and I can help full time stay home moms find their true talents and move to a career where you can both work and take of your kid; I can help moms improve life-work balance in 6 ways; I can help you clarify your new challenges in life and make plans to get through your transitions as smoothly as possible.

Beryl has coached me since a few months ago. At the time we met, I was so burnt out from my previous job that I wanted a career change. l didn't know what I wanted to do and was really scared of the possibility of another failure, so I found Beryl to help me figure out my next career move.

In my entire life, I've always wanted people to tell me what I should do so I don't need to make my own decisions. I thought Beryl would do so as a coach, but I was wrong. Instead, sessions after session, Berly helped me narrow down the things I am passionate about doing, things that I am good at doing, and things that I could possibly do for a living. I could see myself more and more clearly after each session. Every time I saw her, it felt like she removed more and more fog that had been in my mind. By the end of our sessions, I actually figured out a couple careers I could go for and I have been preparing to take off since.

One more thing to mention: at our weekly check up and report, I mentioned to her that I ran into some problems with my partner, and it had been bothering me. Berly paused our session and really listened to me. She gave me some magical advice on how to talk to my partner, how to figure out our future together, and how to exam myself in this relationship. It really helped our relationship and helped me to grow into a better self. After that session she would still keep check in with me on that even she didn't need to.

I am really thankful that I met her and will continue using her as my life/career coach”

-Julian Huang