Hi, I’m beryl wang.

I became a single mom when my son was five months old. As a new mom, my time was cut into little pieces and it was difficult for me to focus on anything. As a single mom, I was also under a lot of financial pressure because I wanted my son to have the same quality of life as before. Luckily, I adjusted quickly and regained my rhythm. I used my time well and take care of the baby while continued to work and make good money. At that time, I joined a lot of facebook groups for moms, and I found that many single moms shared the same struggles. Some of them felt lost in their lives. Some of them are eager to get back to the workforce but didn’t know where to start. I felt obligated to do what I could to help the fellow moms.

So here I am. Now I’m a certified life coach from Life Purpose Institute. As a life transition coach, I want to be your biggest supporter and help you to find your true talent, make a doable plan and help you to move to a career where you can make money and take care of your child. I’m here to use time management skill to help new moms to better manage their time and problems in life and have a smoother transition into a new life stage. I will help you to find some joy in your busy mom life and find a balance between taking care of your baby and work.  I will help you to get back to the workforce after being a stay-at-home mom for several years. Additionally, I will help you find fulfilling activities for your life.